Thursday, March 12, 2015

Suspect test Stalmaster pls.

I was really looking forward to trying out the Ganon's Fury mode in HW's last DLC, but of course they had to make it ridiculously hard. One guy on GameFAQs assembled a pretty helpful list of tips for Ganon, and he A-ranked the last mission at level 89. Keep in mind, there are only ten missions, so there's a shitload of grinding involved. And here there's no dojo, no MQ bottom left, no divisive plan missions, no nothing. Just good old-fashioned elbow grease. Yikes. But the worst part is, someone claims to have been OHKOed from full health by a Stalmaster sword throw. GANON DIES IN ONE HIT TO A STALMASTER. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON. Don't you wish Zelda games were this easy? Just throw your sword, instant win.


  1. I only played the first stage so far, but it seems decently fun, though Ganon has a limited moveset. I imagine it would be more fun with more than just the Dodongo item. I also got 15ish levels from the first stage.

    1. So did I. That's not going to be enough. The two stages you unlock by A-ranking the first one are ridiculous, especially the one with a kajillion giant bosses. Just the fact that you have to manage when you center the camera (read: while you're punching) in order to not go into the spin attack is kinda silly. Also, apparently the special attacks are surprisingly useless, they leave you incredibly vulnerable.

    2. By the way, I just did the 7500-KO one, and it seems like the trick, at least for facing hordes of grunts, is to just go punch-punch-punch-dodge-punch-punch-punch-dodge, using specials whenever they come up. Forget the spin attack, forget the lightning attack, forget everything else, just punch until the Dark Rutos come home.

    3. I didn't have a problem with the spin coming out when I didn't want it too. Is there a way to activate it without hitting ZL?

  2. Just unlocked cucco's fury and I must say: thank god they removed the time taken from the A rank. The first stage alone (KO 5000 enemies same as Ganon's) almost took 15 minutes at least the cucco MOVES faster but sadly it takes about three to five minutes just to kill a single King Dodongo which may not sound TOO bad but since it has the same stages as Ganon and the later stages a SURROUNDED with giant bosses... Yeah... not going to be fun.
