Saturday, November 8, 2014

The dumbest boss fight ever

Yeah, I just went through that. I went back to Xenoblade to (finally) finish off the superbosses, and the Avalanche Abaasy (the last one) went on for half an hour. Now of course many RPGs out there have superboss fights that go on longer than that, but it's the way it went that rubbed me the wrong way.

I went in with a party of Shulk (player-controlled), Sharla and Seven. The plan was for Shulk to spam level 10 Monado Armor nonstop, while Seven spammed her OP auto-attack (not joking here, the only art I had equipped on her was Speed Shift) and Sharla healed and supported. Here's the problem, though: 805300 HP with 40% physical damage resist is a LOT, too much to take it all off in a single night (which lasts ten minutes) with that setup. And after ten minutes the sun rose, which negated Shulk's and Seven's Night Vision gems (as well as the -15% cooldown at night skill which I had equipped on everyone). That meant almost zero damage other than Sharla's Thunder Bullet (thanks to another skill link), so I had to deal with Sharla having the aggro ring all day on top of that. The only thing keeping me alive, aside from healing art abuse, was that skill Shulk has that refills his talent gauge when he has a vision, so I could at least use Monado Armor and the occasional Monado Shield then (remember, auto-attacks that miss don't fill the talent gauge!). And trust me, EVERY SINGLE ATTACK gave me a vision once the previous Monado Armor wore off. This went on for 14 minutes, with a very close call during sunset due to one attack that DIDN'T warrant a vision for some reason, and that I luckily survived due to an Unbeatable gem (I suspect the gem triggering was the reason why I didn't get a vision that time). By the time the second night began the thing was down to about a quarter of its HP, so it was relatively smooth sailing from there.

Still, 14 minutes of absolutely nothing happening is something you don't want your boss fights to have. I'm sure there are some teams that fare better (read: ether users), but if you're going physical you're probably going to have to deal with that regardless.


  1. Blizzard Belgazus was harder for me. Probably just because I waited until after I beat him and before I fought Abaasy to get the best gems. I used Shulk+Dunban+Seven for this and had a relatively easy time. Apparently DoT abuse works really well too.

    1. I know, Blizzard Belgazas was the one who actually killed me, because the bastard had a craze aura up and just so happens to resist Monado Purge and I kept getting unlucky. Avalanche Abaasy just went on and on and on, but thanks to that talent gauge refill skill I wasn't in any real danger.

  2. I played a set where I constantly threw the enemy on the ground and then I could keep on spamming those attacks with Shulk, Seven and Dunban. Of course I had gems equiped that let my team bar go up quickly so I could use team attacks. It worked a lot better against Abaasy as the Night set. However against Blizzard Belgazas it was a pain since he always damaged my hard when he hit the ground. So I had to defeat him without knocking him over which was on the very annoying side.

  3. I went in with a party of Shulk as the player and Dunban and Seven were my backups, and it seems like a lot of other people used those characters as well. Topple locking is so handy here and it made the Blizzard Belgazas fight just as hard, if not harder because of its Topple Spike. I didn't really need Sharla for support because Dunban and Seven had skills that healed them and I had Shulk with Light Heal, Monado Armour, and Monado Shield as well. Next time I fight these superbosses I'm gonna see how a party of Shulk, Melia, and Seven will do because Melia is pretty impressive, though her AI will be a challenge to work with. Also visions will still trigger if you have an Unbeatable gem activate. You just got unlucky.

  4. Can we just take a minute to also bitch about how much work it takes to get sufficient Spike resist and Unbeatable gems for this boss fight? It was hardly even necessary for Final Marcus!

    1. It could've been worse... until I figured out you didn't need to reach 100% with a property to start the crafting process, I was set to spend the rest of my life on it.
