Saturday, September 19, 2015

Yadda yadda yadda

- Welp, time to get my ass kicked by a F2P puzzle game. This is going to be a new experience for sure.

- Is it just me, or does Germany get all the cool Pokémon names? I mean, they get stuff like "Despotar", "Demeteros" or "Apoquallyp"... and, well, you all know how many boring portmanteaus we have. Sure, it might just be the whole grass-being-greener-elsewhere thing, but still.

- I'm going to venture a guess and say they completely embraced the fact that nowadays it's adults that play Pokémon. How else do you explain this?

- Finally, since I haven't updated you on our friends at Gen Zed in a while, munch on this... Julie Goldstein (along with much of the staff, it seems) is doing this entirely free of charge. Yes, she's dumb enough to commit career suicide over a gig she's not getting paid a damn cent for. C'mon, if you're going to make yourself completely unemployable, at least make sure you get something out of it!


  1. The Germany names seem to be Greek inspired to a point, and those madmen at Gen Zed are quite honestly the most dumbasses people on earth

    1. You gotta admit though, those are some pretty great names. As for Gen Zed, they've realized they've burned bridges. Full on damage control right now, not that that's going to help them

    2. The only damage control they're attempting is to appropriate what Maddie Blaustein did instead of bashing her like they did previously... which is just making people MORE angry. This is the worst PR disaster I've ever seen.

  2. I'm not sure what you're pointing out with the 2 full arts. Bridgette's pose? I feel its been routine since they started doing full art supporters. Check out Skyla, Pokemon Center Lady (who is just kind of creepy tbh), Winona. The guy full arts (Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick, Archie's Ace in the Hole, the Lysandres) aren't usually provocative but I feel they still put emphasis on their features.

    also look up the special HG (I think this is High Grade) Brock & Misty figurines, presumably being released to get head start on the 20th anniversary

    1. I was thinking Giovanni myself.

    2. The set having Giovanni (& Misty, but she lacks a full art) is a bit weird. Guess early 20th anniversary stuff and the set *is* focsed on mewtwo so why not i guess?

    3. Although, looking at the Brigette card more closely, that's more fanservice than I would expect from Pokemon.

    4. Eh, it could indeed be them realizing they lost their target demographic to Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto...

    5. We've been seeing this. There's been more fan service in the games, and now the card games. Not really a bad thing, and we're going to see more of it.

    6. "Search your deck for either a Basic Pokémon-EX, or three Basic Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-EX), and place them on your bench. Shuffle your deck afterward."

      Can anyone tell me if we'll be seeing this card a lot?

    7. Depends on what's in the rest of the set, and what sets are in rotation at the current moment. So yeah, I feel like there is a lot of potential to see it get used, since it's a poke/level/heavy/??? ball for EX Pokemon, and that's going to have some sort of effect on the metagame.

    8. Looks like Brigette is getting ready to open a Pokémon Sperm Bank...

      I'll let myself out.
