Monday, September 28, 2015

I'm shutting this place down.

To be honest, I'm finding it harder and harder to find a reason to keep this place going, so I might as well just stop. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's time to say goodbye. Thanks for the ride, you were all really cool people!

(Don't worry, I'm not deleting everything, it's all staying up (same as my YouTube channel), I just won't be updating it anymore.)


  1. So you're done with being an internet personality now? Bummer. I enjoyed reading what you had to say over the years.

    1. If you can even call me an internet personality, but yeah, I'm done with that. I feel like I'm struggling more and more to have something interesting to say, so I might as well not waste anyone else's time over it.

  2. Replies
    1. You even got me into competitive Pokemon with your LPs. I play Taps for you in your honor. How long has it been since your Platinum LP? The years do fly by. May your future endeavors be good...

  3. Dammit, not again. But anyways good luck in the real world.

  4. So is the same going to happen with Fire Monkey Technology?

    1. For one, I'll still be over there, and for two, DarkBlaze made it, not me. So I couldn't close it down even if I wanted to.

  5. Not gonna lie; some of your recent posts have almost kind of given off the impression that you were losing interest in this, so this isn't a complete surprise to me.

    Still, uh... I can't think of anything other than "So long, and thanks for all the fish", so a lazy, unoriginal, overdone goodbye is all you get from me.

    1. I don't think you were the one who said this last time, but someone said the same thing about my LPs when I stopped that. So I guess I'm smart enough to know when to quit instead of beating a dead horse and going way over the hill, if nothing else.

  6. I haven't been commenting here, but I have kept up with this. At least there's still FMT.

  7. Aw shame, well if this do be the end of regular Slowflake activity
    May you live in intresting times

  8. Goodbye Slowflake, You are the coolest guy I know. I have been watching you since your pokemon crystal let's play, and I just wanted to say thanks for all the fun rants you prensented us over the years. I'll miss you

  9. This is now like, the saddest day in my life. And you posted this just 13 days before my birthday! You were my favorite youtuber and your blog was fun to read, that it even made me make my own blog. I am 14 years old, and I am going to be 15 on my birthday. It feels like a very long time since I found your channel....And yet I am still pretty young. You inspired me and possibly many others to do Let's Plays. I was pretty sad that you decided to stop doing LPs, and this makes me feel like a part of me has been shattered and turned into dust....

    But that doesn't mean I won't stop doing LPs. I feel a lot more determined now. I feel like I could try to do anything. It makes me want to not be very lazy and not finish what I started. I feel more motivated to do my work. I feel more motivated to make people happy and like what I work on. I should like what I work on as well. People like you makes me inspired to do more.

    ......This all sounds like a bunch of nonsense, but what I am trying to say is....Thank you for all the work you have done here, and I will never forget it. •^•

    1. I'm glad to hear that. If I inspired even one person to do something, what I did wasn't in vain. Good luck in the future!

  10. I've been a fan of yours for over 5 years now, Slowflake. I just want you to know that over time, your work has become a part of my life that can never be replaced. I know it sounds silly, but it's true. Thank you for being... well, you. I'm sad now just like I was sad when you stopped making Let's Plays, but at least you went out in a most fitting Slowflake way- on your own terms.

    Thank you for your years of awesome content. You were always the one to tell it like it is. If you ever feel like you want to come back in any fashion, know that there will always be people in the world who want to hear your voice. And if you think you're ready to leave this chapter of your life behind, shine on, you crazy diamond. I sincerely wish you the best in all your future endeavors.

    Au revoir,

  11. I first discovered you through those old rants you did on all the Pokemon at GameFAQs, and I've been a fan ever since. You provided many good times and a lot of entertainment. I wondered when you quit LPing whether you would hang around here much longer. That you kept it going for this long and with such quality is impressive.

    Sad to see you go, but I don't blame you for wanting to move on. Happens to all of us. Happy trails.

  12. Well, I really did enjoy your content. Every bit of it was great to have, and it's sad to see you go. However, if it's not what you want to do anymore, go right ahead. It's not like half-assing it would really be the same anyways.

  13. This is very sad news. It really has been a fantastic ride. The witty banter you provided, and the metagame commentary and critique, will be missed by all.

  14. Slow, I've been following you for three or four years now and it's a shame to see you go. However, you've had a really good run and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

  15. Honestly I'm gonna miss this, it was nice hearing your opinion every so often and I think you're interesting to listen to. Good luck in the future

  16. Man... I know it's online, but I definitely feel like I'm losing a friend. I'm following you onto Twitter, and will follow until you decide to stop writing completely, anyway.

  17. Speaking of which, I think it's been over seven years since I met you on Libelldra, though I knew your writing before that. And it's been almost seven years since you started your Pokemon Red playthrough, which I was following since day one. It really has been a ride... Back then, in 2008, I was only 16 years old. You got me back into Pokemon, because by that point I was burned out and DPP didn't really do it for me.

  18. "So long and thanks for all the fish."

    I don't have a lot to say, just thank you. You inspired me to consider the competitive side of Pokémon; something that while I'm not the best at, I have utilized it to both have fun and bring joy to others via some competitive tournaments.

    Have fun, and best of luck in your endeavours.

  19. Will miss you on here but I'll follow on twitter. Can't go without your Smogon analysis and your reaction on the decision regarding Quebec City's NHL bid (would you boo or cheer Bettman if you got it? hard decisions to make...)

    1. I'm late as hell on this but this is truly sad... you've been a great source of entertainment over the years, man. Good luck in life, and catch ya on the twitter sometime.
