Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Gen Astroturf

Holy crap, I might start considering setting up a separate blog for this saga if this keeps up, because Gen Zed is the gift that keeps on giving.

Anyway, the folks over at Encyclopedia Dramatica did a little sleuthing (as in basic stuff anyone with a Twitter account can do, so that rules me out), and it turns out there's not enough artificial turf in Houston to match what the geniuses behind Gen Zed are doing to give the impression that it's a hot commodity. The show's official Twitter account, credited as belonging to lead character Shona "Did I mention I'm trans?" Sommers, had 41000 followers as of last night, and only 2.5% of them are real (which, to their credit, is still 100 times more real than Ashley Madison's female userbase). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Creator Hayden Black's account also fails the test, but not quite as miserably, with 20.2% of his followers being made of flesh and blood. Then there's the affiliated Goodnight Burbank account, which has only 4.8% of real followers. Compare that to the guy Black mocked for being old and out of touch with today's reality (some guy called Bernie Sanders or something, you may have heard of him) - this guy gets 92.1% real followers. Who's disconnected with reality now?

And you know what? Considering the staggering amount of offensive bullshit (even for non-SJWs) Black puts on his Twitter, having so many of his followers NOT be human beings is actually the best thing that could happen to him. Because the day the SJWs get their hands on his Twitter feed, he is FUCKED. Hell, they're already shitting on the show because of the blatant black and Asian stereotypes (among other things). Unless, of course, they're actually being smart and they DID see his Twitter, but don't want to say anything because they don't want to give the cishet patriarchy the impression that they're devouring their own young. Ah hell, what am I saying? SJWs exist solely to be offended. They only feel alive when they're offended. That's who they are. And that's why they MUST see that Twitter feed, it'll be their own personal elixir of everlasting life.


  1. The Gen Zed people are thinking, "Money money money! We want money baths!" The sociopathic SJW are thinking, "FEED US." Logical people are thinking, "No wonder no one wanted to run this crap."

  2. I cannot stop watching the trailer, because oh my god it's like The Room of animation.

    1. I feel the same. I really don't want to admit how much I've seen that two minute promo. What I'm really enjoying though is all of the press around Gen Zed that declares it a "modern classic". That and all of their merchandise that carries that phrase.

      Is it sad that I want to see this get picked up so I can get a nice healthy dose of "So Bad it's Good"?

    2. Worst case scenario, we'll get it on YouTube. Rumor has it it's already in post-production, so if that's accurate and this is not a scam, we're getting it, come what may. And yes, many people have made the connection to Tommy Wiseau's masturdpiece - it may be what The Room is to cinema, what My Immortal is to fanfiction, what Sonichu is to comics. Something that's so bad that you assume it cannot have been created by human hands, yet there was someone so far removed from reality who not only made it, but made it with the expectation that it'd become a media empire.

    3. There have already been a lot of threats on twitter to the cast and the creator(s). Especially the trans. I don't condone death threats or anything of that nature, but the hate is completely understandable.

    4. The trans VA is a hardcore SJW nutter herself. Not surprised in the slightest. Doesn't mean it's a good idea, stooping to that level just means you're no better than them.

  3. Hayden Black posted a quick video of his tweet on MSNBC. All I can think of is when I see that tweet is "OH MY GOD I WAS ON TV". Dude, it's MSNBC. It's not like anyone actually gives a damn.

    1. Isn't MSNBC the most left-leaning American news channel, though? I think he was happy to be on there for the same reason the idea of him being on Fox News would give him a heart attack.

      But then again, that logic implies that he's a SJW himself, and while he IS making Gen Zed, his Twitter feed says otherwise. So who knows, really.

    2. Guys like him are generally just horrible because they're hypocrates, so just because his Twitter says otherways doesn't mean he isn't left leaning or a SJW

    3. Oh my god. I sent him a tweet saying that "the reason he was getting so much hate is because the trailer looks like crap and is completely offensive" and HE BLOCKED ME. Did I deserve it? Maybe. But come on man, learn to take a hit.

    4. Oh my god. He really IS Andrew Dobson 2.0.

    5. Seriously, you should make a seperate blog on Gen Plastic Boobies. There is just so much bullshit to commentate on.

    6. >Gen Plastic Boobies

      Estrogen allows trans women to develop actual breasts, you know.

    7. I meant at how all the followers of the people involved with Gen Zed are fakes, like how plastic boobs are fake. It had nothing to do with the trans. I should have said "Gen Pornstar Boobies".

  4. I watched the more accurate trailer first. And then I watched the actual trailer and I thought I was watching another parody like other video...
