Sunday, August 30, 2015

Morning mishmash

- RNJesus loves me, it seems. As I mentioned before, I'm replaying MD2, without Wonder Mail since that just breaks the game. So it's just the jobs I get from Spinda's Café and the billboards at the guild. Well, the first three Golden Chamber missions I got were all in easy dungeons like Mt. Horn, Steam Cave and Tiny Meadow. Remember that you're supposed to escort a level 10 or so Pokémon until you get to the Golden Chamber, so any dungeon that's even remotely difficult is out of the question. But wait, it gets better. At one point I get a mission for the ultra-rare Secret Slab (also an escort mission), which is one of the requirements for recruiting a whole bunch of legendaries. And... well, look at the mission description. 3rd floor of Tiny Meadow, the shortest dungeon in the game. I definitely hit the jackpot on that one. I would've gone insane if the dungeon chosen was something in Zero Isle instead.

- The ongoing electoral campaign in Canada has me (and everyone else) bored beyond belief. It's basically everything that's ever talked about in the news, with the same people repeating the same things ad nauseam. But the really messed up part is that at two and a half months, this is over twice as long as every other campaign before (we can blame fixed date elections for that). And everybody's sick and tired of it a couple of weeks in. Can't imagine how that'll be when the vote finally happens. But the messed up part is that in America, they seem to be perpetually in electoral mode. The vote only happens in November of next year, and yet the potential candidates have been at it for several months. Factor in the midterm elections, and Americans spend more time hearing about elections than they do NOT hearing about elections. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO THIS?

- But as much as I'd like the press to talk about something else, I know exactly what's going to happen. Céline Dion's husband and manager is all but guaranteed not to make it to Christmas, and even Halloween seems to be optimistic. Problem is, one of their closest friends just so happens to be the head of a huge media empire. So he's going to make all his newspapers, magazines and TV channels all about them for what'll seem like an eternity. And at that point we'll be begging for more election talk. We just can't win, can we? (I know I can trust you guys, but I just want to make it clear that I'm not going to tolerate any kind of hate speech towards the guy for making Céline Dion into a thing. He's dying, have some decency. Thank you.)

- Remember what I wrote yesterday about Gen Zed? Two things. I forgot to mention, no network wanted to pick this up (gee, I wonder why), so this is going straight to YouTube. The fact that TV executives wanted that SJW shitfest as far away from their networks as possible gives me some hope for humanity - that means there's still a while left to go before SJW culture breaks into the mainstream. Second, someone decided to make a slightly more accurate trailer for this. Definitely worth a look.

- Is it wrong that I've never heard of Ashley Madison before the whole hacking thing? I mean, I have literally never seen that name. Ever. But it turns out everyone and their dog is on there. But you know what the best part about this is? We now know the male-to-female ratio in their userbase, and it is SAD. The quasi-totality of the 5.5 million accounts attributed to female users were fake, just to make it seem like yes, you can go on there and find your true love while still being married to someone else. In truth, your chances are just about nil. The amount of women who have ever checked their messages, even just once, out of 5.5 million, is... 1492. Meanwhile, 20.3 million men have checked their messages at least once, out of 31.3 million accounts. All this for a male-to-female ratio of... 13600. It's official, Ashley Madison is the internet's biggest sausage factory. And people PAID to jump in on the fun train. Guess those 5.499 million fake accounts really paid off, huh?


  1. How do we deal with the election cycle in America? Simple. It's not boring. It's like a sport over here, not that that's a good thing. Republican candidates are so ridiculously far-right that they could be mistaken for parodies, and Democrats are funny to watch because they pretend to be about liberal values while accepting tons of corporate money. Of course, the American people don't win no matter what (unless we get Bernie Sanders). But at least we get to laugh at Trump for a while, trying not to think about the scary fact that he has a chance.

    I hadn't heard of Ashley Madison either, even with all the porn I watch. But that ratio is still astonishing, because I know women are into infidelity almost as much as men. I guess they're just not stupid enough to put that part of themselves online, and maybe they've figured out that they could do that on any normal dating website with no difficulty (beyond dodging the creepers).

    1. I don't know to think that republicans are right wing at all. I mean hell they're neoliberals as I see it, the only populist or actual right wing guy is Trump, which I guess could be confusing if you see him as the only possible candidate. And tbh he's breaking the mold, I mean republicans hate him so much they're trying to ignore him but he comes back at them, bretty good if you consider that it doesn't matter who wins.

      Oh and that Ashley Madison hack is hilarious, corprate bankers, NSA agents, military officials, all kinds of men. Even better is now these people are calling out for privacy yet they're the guys fighting against it for the average citizen

  2. I had never heard of Ashley Madison until recently either, so you're not alone there.

    Also, I decided to check out Gen Zed because of your previous post. Animation is pretty piss-poor, and that damn lip-syncing problem drives me crazy. Also, jokes are shit. By the way, have you looked at their site?

    1. Nope, that's the event horizon I'm not willing to cross. The whole SJW rhetoric is the saddest thing to come out of western civilization in a long time, and I don't want to plunge into the abysses of depression.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yeah, I mentioned the merch stuff in the comments to the previous post. It's insane that they're trying to move so much stuff based on a two-minute trailer. Hence why some people believe it's a scam, and the cartoon will actually never see the light of day. No TV network is picking this up, to nobody's surprise... they may end up using that as an excuse to take the money and run.

      Also, MADDIE FUCKING BLAUSTEIN. Does no one remember her? At all?

    4. *transgender. Not to particularly defend it or anything, but a transvestite is something completely different and may be an offensive term.

    5. Yeah, I meant transgender. In all seriousness though, Maddie Blaustein doesn't exist in these people's minds. To quote their site "What makes the show extra-special is that it’s the first animated comedy EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD to feature a Trans actress in a lead role."

      They must be proud. Also seems like a lot of people are starting to circle the wagons defending the show.

    6. Oh don't worry, the people responsible for that awful juice box full of monkey piss know who Maddie Blaustein is, cause one of the comments in the teaser video has a reply from them, and this is what it said: 'We've always said we have the first Trans actress in a LEAD role. Do you understand the difference between "part of an ensemble" and "lead"?'

      ......So, you're telling me that being Meowth in the Pokemon dub ISN'T a lead role? Cause I thought being a main character is also a lead role.

    7. I can see their point, since you could make an argument that Meowth wasn't in the lead, whereas their transgender character is in an actual lead role. On the other hand, one was in a halfway decent show with a lot of nostalgia value, and the other is a pile of dogshit.

    8. Whoa there, Gen Zed is not even close to being worth of the title "decent".

      Ba dum tssss.

  3. According to the report, India was one of the few countries to have more females than males.

    1. Before or after taking away all the sockpuppets and assorted fakes?

    2. Give Slowflake a round of applause. (Not sarcasm). In America, our politicians start early so they can bash each other into the ground as far as they can so that we have Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump running for President of our country, confirming fears of the few competent Americans that our country is in a great decline, and will continue for the foreseeable future. We complain about the problems of our society and yet we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This will probably lead to a fate similar to Rome or Mongolia. This will lead to our smart citizens fleeing to escape the trainwreck this country has become... Wow, I got carried away, didn't I?

    3. A journalist from the LA Times spent a few days in Canada recently, and he claims our electoral process is so civilized it's almost boring. So basically elections in America are one big reality show engineered for ratings.

    4. You should see how much we analyze these things. In debates, we notice when Obama crosses his feet, or Romney bites his lip. I'm fucking serious, we take it way too seriously.
