Sunday, July 19, 2015

The anti-vax crowd jumps the shark

So not only are vaccines bad, but measles, chicken pox and cancer are good.

And this is happening in my country, too. This is what happens when your government goes to war against the scientific community for nine years.


  1. And I thought America's education system was bad.

    1. And on top of that, I'm pretty sure everyone who has had a family member lose the fight with cancer is getting out torches and pitchforks...

  2. "That pesky science, getting in the way of us breeding sheep that think exactly like us forever!" says the people who are at war with science...

  3. I think I lost a few IQ points reading the headlines,yet alone the articles...

  4. I looked it up. The claim first came from a guy called Andrew Jeremy Wakefield, who made a fraudulent research paper claiming that in 1998. For some utterly ridiculous reason, the claim seems to have stuck. Thing is... that guy is British. I'm now ashamed to be a brit when there's people THAT stupid in our history.

  5. ..........Has humanity in Canada lost many people with diplomas and want to be scientists because of how bullshit this is? Like really....this is like saying ebola is good for you!

    1. Oh, and autism being caused by vaccines? Yeah, fuck you too, Canada people who said that. That's so offensive to me, considering I have Autism. ;v;

    2. My research says the first person who ever said that was British, and the belief is so widespread it's stupid. I feel your pain though, being Autistic myself

    3. Lots of people on the spectrum here, haha. Not that I'm mocking anyone, I'm no exception myself.

      But yeah, this is the dumbest thing ever. There was ONE study that linked vaccines and autism, and everyone latched onto it even after it was proven to be a sham and the guy behind it was put behind bars.

  6. I have no words. Many people have lost their lives to cancer. My grandmother being one of them.

  7. On the flipside, a Quebecer saved lives while he was on vacation recently. But that probably won't be covered much by the worldwide media, sadly...
