Details about the next Japanese Wi-Fi Pokémon tournament have been released, and it's called the Kanto Cup, which is exactly what it sounds like: only gen 1 Pokémon. Aside from Mewtwo and Mew, of course. It goes without saying that Mew isn't the clear #2 gen 1 Pokémon anymore, so your mileage on this ban may vary, but they always ban event Pokémon regardless of actual power anyway.
Either way, I'm probably going to sound like a fake Slowflake by saying this, but the idea fascinates me, if only because it's basically the gen 1 metagame with a 2013 sauce. What would the RBY metagame be like with all the changes the game has seen in the last decade and a half? We may see part of the answers there! And the best part is, they didn't even botch it by making it into one of these doubles tournaments they seem to love so much!
Edit: Forget I said anything. Sun team domination much?
Does that mean Golbat and Porygon will get their evolutions denied for the tournament ? Most of the others either have decent stats enough to get by, especially with the Eviolite, or are just not good enough even with their evolution anyways. But even with more bulk, Golbat won't be able to do shit with the lacking Speed. That's what makes Crobat such a good Stallbreaker/Annoyer... And of course, for Porygon it's even worse.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Drought Ninetails will be able to enter... Because if it is, then anybody who kept a legit Chlorophyll Venusaur from a previous event will be able to dominate the battlefield. That would be kinda awesome, actually. :P
DeleteGood point. Sun teams will probably dominate. Of course Nintendo didn't think of that...
DeleteBut then it means that Cloud Nine Golduck might actually see some uses... If anybody feel daring enough to try an anti-sun team or something like that. xD
Delete(Yeah, sorry for commenting so much, I'm bored because I'm busy looking for a Remoraid in White 2 and it's taking FOREVER.)
(Which reminds that I didn't tell you that I finally got that Challenge Mode for White 2)
Cloud Nine is shit, it doesn't stop the current weather entirely. It just disables its effects while the user is out. Why do you think it's not even a thing right now in regular OU?
DeleteBecause all of its users are lame and can't do anything against OU Pokemon ? But which sun abuser in Kanto is OU right now except for Venusaur ? Every Grass type in Kanto is part Poison and would fall prey to its Psychic moves coming from an acceptable 95 Base Special Attack and none of them could outspeed it without the sun, even Venusaur. (But it would be bulky enough to take a hit and KO it back, though)
DeleteFire types might stand a better chance, but would be in the great danger of being on the receiving end of Stab Surf.
It might be shit, but it's the ONLY thing that might stand a chance in countering the permanent Sun for the tournament. I would be crazy enough to attempt this if I could. I like to try out completely unexpected anti-metagame strategies. :P
I'm not saying Golduck will be insanely good, just that it could potentially temporarily halt the rampage of a full Sun Team.
*Or Ice Beam. Never used Golduck in my entire life. Forgot it could also learn that move. XD
DeleteSomeone needs to start a 151 metagame in Gen5. Ninetales and Mewtwo would be the only two ubers I can think of, Chansey would be on most teams, but it would still be fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteThat "someone" shouldn't be Smogon, because what would happen is that every Chlorophyll user and every Fire-type would be banned just to keep Ninetales.
DeleteThey haven't gone crazy over Hackmons yet (well, Balanced hackmons, but that's logical stuff). Who knows, maybe they could do it. As I said though, Ninetales and Mewtwo are instant ubers, Chansey is a consideration, and everything else... well, I don't know what will happen. Probably going to be a lot of teams with Vulpix at the core though.
DeleteThis is somewhat off subject, but on the upcoming Winter Friendly, I reckon that most of the rain teams will feature Kyogre and a rain team. I know I will try to make mine that way...
ReplyDeleteBy that, I mean most teams in the Winter Friendly...
ReplyDeleteThat's it, a Japanese event will distribute a Lvl 99 Shiny Magikarp with Hydro Pump as a special move. Magikarp will now be officially broken ! XD
ReplyDelete...But Gyarados already gets Hydro Pump, and a red Gyarados is very easily obtained at a much lower level...
DeleteBut this is Magikarp I was talking about, not Gyarados. If you don't let it evolve, you just acquired a Lvl 100 Shiny Magikarp which legitimately know Hydro Pump. He can't learn it before evolution. My comment was sarcastic.
DeleteI am an aspie, as you know. While it is not an excuse for my being overall a horrible person, it is an excuse for me not to immediately pick up on sarcasm. At the very least, it makes Magikarp Elite Four runs slightly different if you can EV it up...
DeleteI know you are, that's why I took the time to patiently explain what I meant. It's my fault for forgetting to leave my traditional "*sarcasm cue*". (Which was never there to insult anybody who wouldn't have understood without it, by the way.)
DeleteOh...well, the Black and White 2 Elite Four will now lend themselves to rather...unique...Magikarp solo runs. Instead of X items, then Bounce, Bounce, Bounce, Bounce-hey, look! They are all dead, you would get Hydro Pump added to the fray. Literally the only use Magikarp has for the move...