Thursday, November 27, 2014

QFT of the day

Seen in a YouTube comment of all things:

Honestly, I don't think knowing you're/your, there/their/they're, etc qualifies you to have "good grammar", that's just the minimum acceptable grammar.

YES! That's absolutely true. I'd go as far as to say it's true even if English is your second language. This is so easy, why do people, and native speakers at that, screw these up so much?


  1. I think you graduate to the level of 'good grammar' when you consistently use things like who/whom correctly, as well as making good use of semicolons and quotation marks. Anything less than completely legible is unacceptable.

  2. Proper capitalization and punctuation are elementary. Yes, knowing those is the bare minimum indeed...

  3. I'd even go as far to say it's even worse for people who did try to learn English as a second language perfectly, since it feels like we have to learn an entirely different derivative whenever we see stuff horribly written. I do have much more trouble linking un-readable mess to its real word counterpart than most native speaker, even if said native speaker has an actually better grammar than mine. But it's probably because we are much less exposed to it than they are...

  4. The quote above is so true. What video were you watching BTW?

  5. You can easily tell someone's age by their writing style. Given the ease of access to the internet for all ages, including the kiddies, it's not surprising that plenty of "illiterate" people exist.

  6. When I was in high school and college and taking notes for my courses, I often scribbled in shorthand and I know I used abbreviations and didn't care much about Grammar or spelling, just getting the point across.

    For casual conversations I can see why people would do the same. Of course if you want strangers to take you seriously I would still use correct grammar but for youtube comments I can see why people type like that. One thing to consider

  7. There's also stuff like to and too. It gets irritating when people make that mistake so much. That's like what a fifth grader would mess up.

  8. On a different note, I can confirm that Claydol is still the Lord of Contests. There are only two grades of PokeBlocks, however, so you don't need the help of the Berry Master's wife. Haven't fought Lisia yet...
