Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Just when you thought YouTube had hit rock bottom

I'm sure we're all aware that there's been a pandemonium of unwarranted copyright notices on video game material lately. Well, the insurrection has reached such extremes that even the "legitimate" owners of the content are getting copyright notices! The designer and composer of VVVVVV (side question: how do you pronounce that?) got some on the game's gameplay and music respectively, in a now famous example of YouTube pushing things even further despite all common sense saying they shouldn't. You know that error message about "highly trained monkeys" we get every now and then? And how they think it's a joke or something? Well... they're right. It IS a joke. Clearly, no training was involved whatsoever, and they're eating their own poop and rubbing it all over their faces. But wait... it gets worse. Far, far worse. My favorite part is how these corporate buttholes can't even understand how someone would want to share his music freely. As if everyone created content solely to profit from it.

If you don't believe me when I say that if I was still LPing, it wouldn't be on YouTube, wow.


  1. I pronounce 'VVVVVV' as 'V V V V V V', since all of the characters' names start with V. Some people like to pronounce it 'VVVVVV', like a single continuous sound, for some reason. Or, if you're Raocow, it's 'lots of spikes', because that's a pretty accurate representation of the game.

    The problem with the Content ID system is that it works automatically, flagging and taking down videos that any human would overlook for various reasons. There's often nobody to review the videos, and nobody to contact for approval. It's ridiculous how Google has gone from being an innovative company to just pure evil.

  2. Shortly after all this copyright nonsense started I did a clean-up in subs because spare time and a need to get rid of unwanted stuff. When I got down to Q, I saw that Queens Of The Stone Ages official YT account had been closed as a result of multiple copyright claims (It's up again now).

    When a band as high-profiled as them even fall victim of all the bullshit YT is pulling, you things are getting far out of hand.

  3. My question is how long will it be before the vast majority of gaming channels move off YouTube? I think that once one or two high profile people with several hundred thousand subscribers get fed up and move their base with them, all the smaller ones will follow suit. I guess from their point of view it comes down to whether they can find a website that offers them a similar amount of revenue for them to continue to do it full time. Either way Slow, you inadvertently managed to get out at the best time. I suppose a congratulations for your accidental foresight are in order :)

    1. Yeah, but who has the money to offer those high profile guys? Gaming videos are forbidden on Vimeo, and that kind of thing isn't down Blip's alley. The only way out that I can see would be if Twitch expanded its market to include videos that aren't live streaming. Because let's not kid ourselves, Twitch is probably the biggest competition YouTube has, which is all manners of fucked up because they don't even do the same thing.
