Sunday, April 28, 2013

The triumph of love

This is the headline of one of this week's magazines in Quebec, and guess what it's referring to? A reality TV couple that's been going for seven months. Really? Seven months and you're already calling it "the triumph of love"? Sure, seven months is well above average for reality TV couples, but it just shows how far we've fallen as a society, if staying together for seven months is considered such an accomplishment.


  1. I hate this whole 'celebrity culture' thing everyone's into now. Well, it's always been there, but I feel like we've become really interested in it now that reality TV is common. Why would anybody be interested in the lives of these celebrities anyway? Because they're rich and lead different kinds of lives than we do? All I care about is the content they create and whether it's any good or not, and why anyone would want anything more is beyond me.

    I've been together with my girlfriend for almost five years now, where's my award?

    1. And reality TV people... well, they don't create content. They're effectively famous for being shallow and uninteresting. Which tells you a lot about the people who DO care about them.

  2. Shit like this (the whole celebrity culture thing) is why I have to constantly quote Hubert Farnsworth--

    "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."

  3. We have fallen as a society if one needs THAT to know that we have fallen as a society. I wish I were an alien from another world just so I would not have to associate myself with the travesties of humanity! Also, why is it called "Reality TV" when the executives basically control everything that happens in the show? This girl is loved by audiences because she wins competitions a lot and plays the house against each other, so she is hated by her fellow contestants and is about to go home? "CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, HOUSEGUESTS! We must introduce some convoluted way to keep her on long enough to win!" Oh, and that is not even the WORST example of executive meddling from Big Brother, Slow...

  4. Does anybody even know the connotation for "Big Brother" anymore? I doubt it--more people seem to be familiar with this "Reality" TV thing than with oh, I dunno, '1984'! Seriously, is nothing sacred? It seems 'South Park' got it right in that episode "Raising the Bar"...there seem to be no depths to which we wont sink if stuff like 'Honey Boo Boo' is on the air.

    ...Sorry, I seem to have started to rant. I suppose that's inevitable when a subject I've DESPISED for well over a decade works its way into conversation.

    1. Yes, I do know 1984 by George Orwell. Reality TV needs to stop being ruled by the executives...though they think that that would make the show "boring"...

    2. That wasn't an attack, just kind of blowing off steam at the audience for this stuff(the collective 'you', not the personal one). To be honest, I don't even watch TV anymore because of this whole genre...if you can call it that...
